Student Handbook 2024-2025

Campus Policies and Procedures



The following rules and regulations apply to fliers, posters, brochures, notices, etc. from on-campus and off-campus populations. These rules do not apply to class project displays.

  1. All items to be posted must be approved and stamped by the Student Engagement & Diversity Office. Items which are not stamped will be taken down.
  2. Postings are confined to bulletin boards and “hang-it” spaces only. There is absolutely no posting on glass surfaces (including classroom/building doors and windows), stairwells, classrooms, or interior/exterior walls. Please note the limit of one poster per event per bulletin board.
  3. The typical time limit for postings is two weeks. Special arrangements may be made through the Student Engagement & Diversity Office for extended time.  All postings must be dated and will be removed once the date has expired. Advertisements for special events should be removed immediately following the event.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Student Engagement & Diversity Initiatives Office at (518) 743-2251.



SUNY Adirondack is committed to fostering a diverse community of outstanding employees and students, as well as ensuring equal educational opportunity, employment, and access to services, programs and activities, without regard to an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction. Employees, students, applicants or other members of the SUNY Adirondack Community (including but not limited to vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subjected to harassment that is prohibited by law, or treated adversely or retaliated against based upon a protected characteristic.

The College’s policy is in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. These laws include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as Amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, and the New York State Human Rights Law. These laws prohibit discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX may be directed to Lottie Jameson, Title IX Coordinator, Scoville Hall, or by calling 518.832.7741. Inquiries regarding the application of other laws, regulations and policies prohibiting discrimination may be directed to Mindy Wilson, Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Washington Hall, at, or by calling 518.743.2252. Inquiries may also be directed to the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, 32 Old Slip 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005-2500, at, or by calling 646.428.3800.



SUNY Adirondack welcomes and encourages all students to become involved in the many clubs, organizations, and sports that are offered.  One’s development is enhanced not only in the classroom, but outside as well.  Mutual respect of others is part of this process.

As defined by New York State Law, any individual(s) who harass and thereby endanger the mental and physical health of another, and/or force consumption of alcohol or drugs for the purpose of initiation, shall be in violation of the SUNY Adirondack Student Code of Conduct.  This rule includes all clubs, athletic teams, and any groups recognized by the College.  Further, any student who knowingly withholds such information will likewise be subject to a violation of the SUNY Adirondack Student Code.



The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released privacy standards which prohibit the release of individually identifiable health information.  These standards, which are part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), legally require entities to safeguard any protected health information that they hold.  To be in compliance with these standards, each entity that holds medical information must provide each individual on whom they have such documentation with a Notice of Privacy Practices.  This notice describes to you how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, as well as how you may gain access to your medical information that the College has on file.  In addition, this notice also describes the rights that you have with regard to your protected health information.  You may view the Notice of Privacy Practices by visiting SUNY Adirondack’s web page at and/or requesting a copy from the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Services and Treasurer in Washington Hall. 





a.   “College Community Member” — Every person who is officially affiliated with SUNY Adirondack, in a full-time or part-time capacity, as a student, faculty member, employee, board member, or officer/member of any organization over which SUNY Adirondack has direct or indirect control.

b.   “Student” — any person registered as a student on the SUNY Adirondack campus for the purpose of attending credited classes through SUNY Adirondack or any extension center located at the main campus.

c.   “Subject Premises” — the campus of SUNY Adirondack and all premises or property under such Colleges control.

d.   “Vehicle” — every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power.

Student Parking Regulations and Procedures

1.   Every student shall register each vehicle which he or she may operate or park on the subject premises EACH SEMESTER.

2.   Each vehicle to be operated or parked on said premises by a member of the college community shall display current, legible college vehicle identification stickers permanently affixed on the INTERIOR of the vehicles. Vehicles having tinted windows may request special application authorization at time of issuance from the Facilities Office. The direction for application is printed on the reverse side of the decal that will make them visible and legible from the rear of the vehicle (not upside down). Parking stickers are not transferable. Taping or clipping such stickers is not considered as being permanently affixed. Motorcycles and motor scooters shall display sticker on front forks next to inspection sticker. Each vehicle registered is assigned a color-coded SUNY Adirondack parking sticker. The following parking restrictions apply.

a.         Assigned Parking Lots

i.                Student (September 1 – December 31) & Student (January 1 – August 31) - Student parking allowed in the north & south parking lots only.

ii.               Faculty/Staff Parking – All lots including reserved.

iii.              Wheel Chair Accessible Parking – All Accessible designated parking spaces, all reserved spaces when Accessible spaces are not available and any student lot.

      All Permit Holders are to park within their assigned parking lot. Failure to adhere to the regulations will result in administrative or criminal action.

3.   Student Registration Permits shall be obtained by filing a vehicle registration application for each vehicle. Such registration(s) shall be effective for the semester of which it is issued. Student parking permits are issued as follows:

      Fall & Winter – September 1st - December 31st

      Spring & Summer – January 1st – August 31st

a.         Temporary Parking Permits - When you need to drive a car other than one you have registered, park in the student lot and go to the Facilities Office to obtain a temporary tag for the length of time you will be driving the alternate vehicle. Such application may be filed in the Facilities Office, located in Warren Hall, Monday through Thursday, 8:00am -3:00pm. The parking permit fee may be paid at the Bursar’s Office only. All persons must present a SUNY Adirondack ID and/or a valid driver’s license.

b.         Parking Fee Waiver — Students who will not be operating a motor vehicle as described in section (d) of Definitions, are required to complete a waiver form to be submitted to the Bursar’s Office to have the fee removed from their tuition and fee invoice. The parking fee waiver form is available at the Facilities Office or at the Bursar’s Office.

c.         Continuing Ed students will receive Temporary Parking permits from the Continuing Ed Department and must park in the Student Parking lots only.

d.         Wheelchair Accessible Parking Permits Members of the campus community with mobility impairment should contact the Facilities Office. A physician-issued hang-tag will be required to process the college accessible parking permit application. Operators requiring accessibility parking permits will be issued a SUNY Adirondack parking permit contingent upon their application status.

4.   Fees

a.         The fee of $25.00 per semester, per registered student vehicle will apply.

b.         Multiple vehicle registration by a registered student is allowed at $5.00 per vehicle, per semester.

c.         Replacement stickers are available at a cost of $10.00 per unit unless the owner can provide valid documentation the sticker was destroyed.

d.         Fines in Visitors, Reserved and other Unassigned areas are: $15.00 first violation, $50.00 second violation, $75.00 third violation, $100.00 each violation thereafter.

e.         Fines in wheelchair accessible parking spots, roadways, driveways, sidewalks, fire lanes, no parking zones, on the grass, walkways, and over painted parking controls are: $75.00 first violations, $150.00 each violation thereafter.

5.   Billing

      Students - shall be managed through the Bursar’s Office for all parking permits. Payment is to be made at the Student Account’s Office only.

6.   The Facilities Office will criminally prosecute any person(s) who forge parking permits or provide false information on registration cards or business records. Vehicles may be towed at the discretion of the Facilities Office and at the owner’s expense. All Parking Permits are subject to revocation by the Facilities Office. Failure to register with the College any vehicle parked on campus is a violation and carries a $5.00 fine. Any unregistered vehicle which is in violation will be identified through the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles.

7.   All changes in the State license or registration of a motor vehicle registered as provided herein shall be reported immediately to the Facilities Office and registration(s) shall be revised to reflect current information. Failure to report licensee or registration changes to a vehicle may/will result in revocation of College parking privileges.

8.   Permits Assignments

a.         Student -Parking in student lots only, expiration dated with decal application directions on back of decal.

b.         Non- Credit Students -Parking in student lots only, expiration dated, non transferable permit.

c.         Handicapped - Parking in all handicap, reserved and student parking areas.

9.   Drivers Responsibility - Space availability: a parking decal does not guarantee the holder a parking space, but only an opportunity to park within a specified area or areas. Drivers are responsible for finding an authorized parking space. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, or inclement weather cannot justify an infraction/tow able offense. Parking is never allowed in the visitor parking spaces in the Warren Hall circle.

STUDENTS ARE NEVER CONSIDERED VISITORS and must park in the north or south parking lots even if only on campus to pay a bill, register for a class, drop off a paper, meet with a counselor, get a transcript, use the Library, etc.

Decal Ownership: a parking decal signifies an individual has been granted the privilege of parking on College property. The College reserves the right to revoke this privilege if the user refuses to comply with the College’s Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations. Decal Display: parking decals or passes must be displayed according to the parking regulations or the special instructions provided at the time of issuance. A parking decal is not considered valid unless it is displayed correctly on the vehicle. Overnight parking is not allowed, with the exception of residential students, without notifying the Facilities Office.



The College is required to have a written Information Security Program to protect non-public personal information retained on students as mandated by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999.  All paper and electronic student records are controlled and secured by the relevant campus offices and are routinely assessed for risks and safeguards.  A complete copy of this program is available in the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Services and Treasurer in Warren Hall.



Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the following is a summary of the types of educational records that are maintained by SUNY Adirondack as required by various state and federal agencies record keeping rules. This policy is available in the College Catalog: Student Records Policy



Any student who has needed emergency medical evaluation and/or treatment, or who has been transported from the campus by emergency medical personnel, must follow specific procedures to return to campus. The College will determine the student’s appropriateness to return to the academic and/or residential environments, including planning for needed follow-up care, arranging for the completion of missed academic work, and assuring the safety and well-being of the whole campus community.

  • Before noon of the first business day following the student’s wish to return to campus, he/she must contact the Dean for Student Affairs office at (518) 743-2277/(518) 681-5649
  • Release information may also be required from the attending physician/clinician in the emergency room/hospital
  • On the basis of all of the above information, a determination will be made about the supportive services needed to support the student’s return to campus, any special conditions on his/her continued attendance (i.e., part-time study only, residential status), or if a leave of absence is recommended .  This decision will be made by a committee comprised of the Dean for Student Affairs, a Counselor, a Public Safety Officer and (if the student lives on campus) the Director of Student and Residence Life.



Policies and procedures relating to sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence can be found in the “Important Information About Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence” section of this Handbook and the website



1.   College building or campus spaces may not be used to raise money for any individual or organization other than (a) an officially recognized campus organization whether it be faculty, staff, or student, or (b) a not-for-profit, charitable off-campus organization.

2.   Organizations intending to use College building or campus spaces to benefit an off-campus effort must satisfactorily prove the tax-exempt status of the benefiting cause.

3.   Student organizations shall seek written approval to solicit funds on the College’s campus from the Director of Student Engagement & Diversity Initiatives.  Faculty, staff, or non-profit organizations desiring to solicit funds on the College’s campus must seek written approval for such solicitations from the Director of Facilities.  The Offices of Student Engagement & Diversity Initiatives and the Facilities Office will establish uniform procedures relating to the location, duration, and set-up arrangements for such solicitation activities.

4.   Any person aggrieved by any act, decision, or directive of either the Director of Student Engagement & Diversity Initiatives or the Director of Facilities may appeal such act, decision, or directive to the College’s Vice President for Administrative Services and Treasurer within fifteen (15) days of such act, decision, or directive.  The College’s Vice President for Administrative Services and Treasurer may affirm, reverse, or modify such act, decision, or directive as he/she deems appropriate within the limitations imposed by this Policy.

5.   Any request for the use of campus facilities must follow the Facilities Use Policy and may result in the assessment of rental and/or maintenance fee(s).



Policies are in place for academic and Student Association (SA) sponsored college trips. SA sponsored trips are defined as such if student activity fees or club fundraised monies are approved for use toward the travel. During SA sponsored and academic trips, students are expected to abide by the regulations described in this handbook as well as the Student Organization Handbook. Refer to the SUNY Adirondack Student Organization Handbook available online on Pack Life for specific trip guidelines.



We understand the unique needs of our students who are also parents, and seek to provide services and programs that value the fundamental role of family in student success.  To best support our entire community, Board of Trustees policy 8.08 maintains that children are permitted on campus only when accompanied and directly supervised by a parent or legal guardian except when the child is attending an appropriate College sponsored activity.  Students may not bring or allow children, or unregistered guests, to accompany them to classes.  There will be programs throughout the year to which students can invite their families.  Students should check their email or visit Packlife for more information about campus events.



Students, employees and visitors are prohibited from possessing or using tobacco, tobacco derived products, or any smoking paraphernalia on any College property or in any College facility.

This policy applies to all members of the College community including but not limited to faculty, staff, students, volunteers, trainees, consultants, supplemental staff employed through contract agencies or outside trade unions, vendors, guests, and visitors.

Effective implementation of this policy depends on the courtesy, respect, and cooperation of all members of the SUNY Adirondack community.



For the purpose of this policy, “tobacco” is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including but not limited to; cigarettes (e.g., bidis, kreteks), vapes, electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spit-less, smokeless, chew, snuff) and nasal tobacco. This ban includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products that contain tobacco flavoring or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation (vape pens, e-cigarettes, etc).


The use, distribution, or sale of tobacco or any smoking device (such as e-cigarettes), or the carrying of any lighted smoking instrument in College buildings or on College premises, at offsite College-required learning activities, at events on College premises, or in College-owned, rented or leased vehicles, is prohibited. The College requires students, employees, and visitors to respect private property bordering all College locations by refraining from trespassing for purposes of consumption of tobacco products.



SUNY Adirondack’s goal is to achieve 100% voluntary compliance with the tobacco-free policy by educating students, faculty, staff, and visitors about the policy.

Members of the campus community who see individuals using tobacco on college grounds are asked to politely inform these individuals that college policy prohibits tobacco use anywhere on campus grounds. Faculty and staff who do not feel comfortable approaching someone violating the policy should contact a public safety officer, or designated administrator. We expect all members of the college community to treat each other with dignity and respect, support each other, and embrace a spirit of having a healthy living, learning, and working environment.

Sanctions for Students

Violators of this policy will be subject to warnings from the college’s campus safety officers and/or administrative designees, as well as respectful reminders from campus community members. Repeated offenders will be subject to the college’s code of conduct and sanctions will focus on community service and educational programming, as determined by the Dean for Students Affairs.