If it is necessary to withdraw from a course or courses during a semester, students must file a withdrawal form in the Office of the Registrar. Students may withdraw without the instructor's signature (automatic W) during the first 10 weeks of the semester (for full term courses) if they initiate the process. Withdrawal during the remainder of the semester, up to the last day of classes, is at the discretion of the instructor. A withdrawal grade after issuance of the final grade may only occur through the Change of Grade process, and is at the discretion of the instructor and subsequent approval from the college administration. Students need to be aware that withdrawing from a course may have financial aid consequences and they should consult with the Financial Aid Office before attempting to withdraw.
In the unfortunate event that a student death occurs while enrolled in classes, the student coursework will be withdrawn (or dropped) from classes based on the College's academic calendar. The student account will be adjusted following the Bill Adjustment and Liability schedule and the Medical/Compassionate Refund Policy.
Unofficial Withdrawal
A student who stops attending a course(s) for a sustained period (or fails to demonstrate active online participation) during the reporting period will be reported as an unofficial withdrawal and assigned an X grade. Active online academic participation in online classes includes submitting an academic assignment, taking an exam, interacting in a study group, group project or online discussion assigned by the college, interacting with an instructor about academic content. Logging into an online class or tutorial without any further participation or participating in academic counseling or advisement does not constitute online academic participation.
Unofficial withdrawal may have financial aid consequences.
Administrative Withdrawal
The College may administratively withdraw a student from class (es) based on disciplinary and non-disciplinary actions. In addition, any student admitted into the Nursing AAS degree program may be withdrawn from the program based on unsatisfactory or unsafe application of theory in the clinical laboratory. The college reserves the right to assign AW or F grades for an administrative withdrawal.
Administrative withdrawal may have financial aid consequences. Any student administratively withdrawn for disciplinary or Nursing AAS degree unsatisfactory or unsafe applications is not eligible for any bill adjustment and does not qualify for a medical/compassionate refund.
Any notations placed on the official college transcript will be in accordance with the college Transcript Notation policy.
Medical/Compassionate Refund Policy
A student can request a refund for medical or compassionate reasons when extreme illness, injury or other significant situation forces a student to drop or withdraw from classes (official or non-official) or limits their college participation. The extraordinary circumstances for the student leave request generally involve severe physical or mental health difficulties, sudden death of an immediate family member, or unexpected care to a seriously ill family member. Repeat requests for refunds based on chronic personal, physical and life situations are strongly discouraged and may not be considered. Requests based on judicial proceedings, conduct proceedings or religious immunization exemption will not be considered.
Students requesting a refund must complete the Medical or Compassionate Refund Request form after dropping or withdrawing from their class(es), receiving an administrative withdrawal or deregistered during census reporting. This form is available at the Office of the Registrar in Warren Hall. The student (or student representative) must submit the completed form, with appropriate documentation, to the Office of the Registrar. Medical/Compassionate refund requests shall be inititated no later than 30 calendar days from the start of the next fall or spring semester following the semester the withdrawal was recorded. This information will be reviewed by the Medical/Compassionate Leave Committee and students will be notified by mail of the committee’s decision. The decisions made by this committee are final. Approved requests will be annotated on the student's web transcript.
If a refund is granted, the committee will use the information provided by the student/healthcare provider to calculate the percentage of tuition and fees that should be refunded, if any. This change may result in a recalculation of financial aid eligibility.