College Catalog

MAT 109 Survey of Mathematics

Survey of Mathematics is designed to give the liberal arts student not majoring in mathematics or science an appreciation of mathematics with an emphasis on problem solving as it relates to the individual topics. Core topics will include choices from the following: number sequences, graph theory, introductory statistics, financial math, or probability. The course will include projects relevant to both the topics in the course and the student's field of interest or study.






MAT 096 OR MAT 097 OR MAT 099 OR MAT 114 OR MAT 115 OR MAT 124 OR MAT 127 OR MAT 129 OR MAT 131 OR MAT 132 OR MAT 220 OR MAT 223 OR MAT 227 OR MAT 231 OR MAT 232 OR PTAL 060 OR PTCM 000 OR ALG2 065 OR RCA2 065 OR PTN1 255 OR PTN3 0 OR PT97 0 OR SMATH 530 OR AMATH 21 OR IGCSE 5 OR (PTAR 050 AND MAT 099) OR (PT90 1 AND MAT 099) OR (PTN2 250 AND MAT 099) OR (MAT 090 AND MAT 099)