College Catalog 2024-2025

Explanation of Fees

All tuition and fees are approved annually by the SUNY Adirondack Board of Trustees and are a required part of the cost of attending SUNY Adirondack.

Activity fee supports a wide variety of engagement opportunities on campus, including clubs and organizations administered by Student Senate, student activities, athletics, orientation/ welcome back events, CDTA (free bus for all students), discounted tickets, music licenses, award ceremonies and graduation.

Book Smart* is the textbook rental program that provides students with all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and electronic books versions before the first day of class. 

Individual Course (i.e. Lab Fee) is levied for students who take a course requiring lab work. The amount varies depending on the type of lab work required, but in every case helps cover the cost of materials, and upkeep of the lab and its equipment.

Parking Fee* covers all maintenance and snow removal of student parking lots.

Student Wellness Fee supports on campus counseling services, the Fitness Center, the services of the Campus Nurse and operations to support the HHHN Health Unit, as well as on-going wellness programs.

Technology Fee covers technology for all students including the student portal (, Starfish Retention Solutions, Brightspace Learning Management System, Career Coach, electronic media and library databases, smart classrooms, computer labs, campus wifi, security to protect student and institutional data, and the Banner System.

*Please note: The parking fee can be waived for students who will not be parking a car on campus. Students can opt-out of Booksmart if it is financially advantageous. All other fees are required.