College Catalog 2024-2025

Military Obligations

Enrolled students called to military service during the semester are required to provide the Registrar documentation verifying their service in order to receive military-related academic accommodations.  Students must also provide documentation to the instructor of record for each course impacted by the military service when cases do not involve a drop or withdrawal. The documentation must be in the form of military orders (for mobilization, deployment, permanent change of station, and temporary duty assignment) or a formal written communication from the student’s military commander or supervisor (for drill and/or training.)  This documentation is to be submitted within one week of its receipt, if feasible. Students should meet with the college Certifying Official prior to filing any paperwork regarding their military accommodations in grading to get further details of the implications of their decision(s).

As indicated in the table below, each form of military service allows for different semester grading accommodations for the service member depending upon the particular circumstances. Accommodations will be designed in such a way to ensure that the essential elements of the course and curriculum are not compromised and the academic standards or integrity of the course are not weakened.

Military dependents who reside with the service member ordered to a permanent change of station are eligible for the grading accommodations associated with that military order.  However, to be considered for such accommodations, they must provide the Registrar a copy of the military member’s orders.  In addition, military dependents should meet with the college’s Certifying Official prior to filing any paperwork regarding their military grading accommodations to get further details of the implications of their decision(s). 

The Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act is intended to ensure that service members who are receiving Federal student aid are not adversely affected because of their military status. These protections are not automatic and you may be required to supply documentation to certify your status. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance.

Form of Military Service Grading Option1
 Mobilization 1, 2, or 3
Deployment 1, 2, or 3
 Permanent Change of Station 1 or 3
 Temporary Duty Assignment 1, 2, 3, or 4
Drill and/or Training 2, 3, or 4

1 See below for descriptions

Grading Option 1

If the student leaves at any time during the semester and elects to receive a full tuition refund, no notation of courses or grades will be recorded on the student's transcript.

Grading Option 2

If the student has successfully completed a significant portion of the course and elects to receive an "I" (Incomplete), the conversion of an "I" to "F" will be suspended.  The "I" will remain on the transcript one year after the student returns from military service and then converts to the reported grade if not completed.  This option requires a collaborative agreement between student and faculty member(s). Incompletes may be extended in the event of the student’s return to military obligations.

Grading Option 3

If the student leaves at a point in the semester after which a significant amount of work has been completed, the student may request the assignment of a grade for work completed.  This option requires a collaborative agreement between student and faculty member(s). 

Grading Option 4

Within the current semester, make up of missed work, quizzes, tests and/or exams may be permitted for each course in which the student is enrolled if the instructor of record considers the length of absence reasonable for the type and structure of that course. The student and instructor should create and sign a contract which includes the timeline required for completion of missed work and other assessments.