College Catalog

Information Technology - Computer Networking AAS (ITCN)

Degree Type: AAS

Program Code: ITCN

Hegis Code: 5104.00

The Networking program is intended for students who, upon graduating from SUNY Adirondack, wish to enter the workforce as networking assistants. The curriculum is designed to provide the student with a solid basis in the hardware, cabling, network security, and the fundamentals necessary to install and maintain a computer network. The curriculum is coordinated through the CISCO Networking Academy (on-campus) to assist the student in preparing to achieve the CISCO Certified Networking Associate (CCNA) industry certification. This certification is received upon passing the CCNA exam (off-campus). Recommended High School Preparation: if available: computer hardware class, basic networking/LAN class.

In addition to the CCNA, advanced students may be eligible to take Network Professional courses (CCNP2, CCNP3, and CCNP4). These courses, along with Advanced Routing (CCNP1), prepare students in achieving the Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) industry certification. This certification is received upon passing the CCNP exams (off-campus). Recommended for High School graduates and individuals who achieved their CCNA certification prior to entering SUNY Adirondack.

Freshman Seminar Requirement

Freshman Experience

Choose one:

HRD 100College Learning: Theory and Practice


HRD 100ACollege Life Seminar


HRD 110First Year Seminar


Total Credit Hours:1-2

General Education Requirements

Introduction to College Writing

ENG 101Introduction to College Writing


Total Credit Hours:3

SUNY Gen Ed Basic Communication

Choose one:

ENG 102Academic Writing


ENG 103Writing in and about the Sciences


ENG 104Writing for Business and the Professions


ENG 105Writing in and about the Social Sciences


ENG 106Writing in and about the Performing and Visual Arts


ENG 107Language, Structure and Style


ENG 108Writing in and about Literature


ENG 109Elements of Creative Writing


ENG 110Elements of Technical Writing


Total Credit Hours:3

Introductory Statistics with Probability or Discrete Mathematics

Choose one:

MAT 127Introductory Statistics with Probability


MAT 129Discrete Mathematics


Total Credit Hours:3-4

SUNY Gen Ed Natural Sciences Lab Science

SUNY Gen Ed Natural Sciences Lab Science GENS


Total Credit Hours:3-4

Social Science and Humanities Electives

3 credits in any ANT, ECO, GEG, HIS, PSC, PSY, SOC, ARH, ART, ASL, ENG 2XX, FRN, HUM, MUS, PHI, SPA, or THR course.

Total Credit Hours:3

Program Core Requirements

Program Core

SPH 111Introduction to Public Speaking


CIS 131Introduction to Networking


CIS 133Network Fundamentals (CCNA1)


CIS 134Routing Protocols and Concepts (CCNA2)


CIS 135Network Security I


CIS 139Enterprise Networking (CCNA3)


CIS 150Topics in Computing


CIS 120PC Hardware Fundamentals


CIS 232Server Administration


CIS 233Enterprise Networking (CCNP1)


Total Credit Hours:34

Introduction to Programming in a Windows Environment or Introduction to Programming

Choose one:

CIS 140Introduction to Programming in a Windows Environment


CIS 143Introduction to Programming


Total Credit Hours:3

Server-Side Scripting or Database Management Systems

Choose one:

CIS 151Server Side Scripting


CIS 237Database Management Systems


Total Credit Hours:3

CIS Elective

Choose one:

CIS 178Information Technology Internship


CIS 136IT Security Essentials


CIS 144Intermediate Programming in a Windows Environment


CIS 235Network Security II (CCNA CyberOps))


CIS 246Advanced Networking Technologies


Total Credit Hours:3

CIS 178: Recommended.

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Liberal Arts and Sciences


Total Credit Hours:2



3 credits in any course.

Total Credit Hours:3

Recommended Sequence

First Semester

1-2 credits in HRD 100, HRD 100A or HRD 110

3 credits in ENG 101

3 credits in CIS 131

4 credits in CIS 133

3 credits in Electives (See Note 1)

Total Credit Hours:14-15

Second Semester

4 credits in CIS 134

3 credits in CIS 135

3 credits in CIS 140 or CIS 143

3 credits in CIS 232

3-4 credits in MAT 127 or MAT 129 (See Note 2)

Total Credit Hours:16-17

Third Semester

3 credits in ENG 102, ENG 103, ENG 104, ENG 105, ENG 106, ENG 107, ENG 108, ENG 109 or ENG 110

4 credits in CIS 139

3 credits in CIS 150

3 credits in CIS 151 (Fall only) or CIS 237 (Spring only)

3-4 credits in SUNY Gen Ed Natural Science Lab Science (See Note 2)

Total Credit Hours:16-17

Fourth Semester

3 credits in Social Sciences or Humanities

3 credits in SPH 111

3 credits in CIS Elective (See Note 3) - CIS 178 recommended or CIS 136 or CIS 144 or CIS 235 or CIS 246

4 credits in CIS 233

3 credits in CIS 120

2 credits in Liberal Arts and Sciences (See Note 2)

Total Credit Hours:18


  1. MAT 108 is required (fills the Lib. Arts/Sciences requirement) for those students who wish to take MAT 129 or CIS 143.
  2. If MAT 127 and a 4-credit lab science are chosen, the two liberal arts and sciences credit requirement is satisfied.
  3. CIS Electives should be chosen through advisement.

Total Credit Hours: 64