College Catalog 2024-2025

Hospitality Certificate (CEHP)

Degree Type: Certificate

Program Code: CEHP

Hegis Code: 5010

The Hospitality Certificate curriculum has been developed to provide students with a broad range of coursework designed to support entry level employment in the hospitality industry. Students will engage in coursework designed to develop skills in accounting, computer, and hospitality knowledge. Students will also be able to choose from a range of electives, based on their career interest.

Freshman Seminar Requirement

Freshman Experience

Choose one:

HRD 100College Learning: Theory and Practice


HRD 100ACollege Life Seminar


HRD 110First Year Seminar


Total Credit Hours:1-2

General Education Requirements


Additional Math or Science Requirement


Program Core Requirements

Program Core

ENG 101Introduction to College Writing


CIS 125Office Productivity Software


HOS 181Principles of Hospitality and Tourism


Total Credit Hours:9

CIS 125: Prereq Required.

HOS 181: Fall only.

Hotel/Resort Management or Convention, Meeting and Exposition Management

Choose one:

HOS 193Hotel/Resort Management


HOS 265Convention, Meeting, and Exposition Management


Total Credit Hours:3

HOS 193: Spring only.

HOS 265: Fall only.

Financial Accounting

BUS 146Financial Accounting


Total Credit Hours:4

Hospitality Electives

Choose 6 credits from any ANV, BUS, CUL, ECO, HED104, HOS, or NTR Elective.

Total Credit Hours:6

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives

Liberal Arts Elective

Total Credit Hours:3

ANT 101, ECO, Foreign language, or MAT 110: Recommended.



Recommended Sequence

First Semester

1-2 credits in HRD 100, HRD 100A or HRD 110

3 credits in ENG 101

3 credits in HOS 181

3 credits in Hospitality Elective (See Notes 1, 2 and 3)

3 credits in HOS 265 (Fall only) or HOS 193 (Spring only)

Total Credit Hours:13-14

Second Semester

3 credits in CIS 125

4 credits in BUS 146 (See Note 4)

3 credits in Hospitality Elective (See Notes 1, 2 and 3)

3 credits in Liberal Arts Elective (See Note 5)

Total Credit Hours:13


  1. Students without any prior hospitality experience are strongly encouraged to take 6 credits of BUS 178 Business Internship.
  2. Students shall pay attention to Fall only, Spring only courses and create an academic plan to support certificate completion and desired course selection.
  3. Students who wish to register for the Disney World internship (HOS 285) shall see the Disney Coordinator as soon as possible for advisement.
  4. Recommended liberal arts electives are: ANT 101, ECO, Foreign Language, MAT 110
  5. Recommended liberal arts electives are: ANT 101, ECO, World Language, MAT 110

Industry Certifications:

  1. A student is eligible to obtain industry credentials through the following coursework:
    1. CUL 125 ServSafe Food Manager
    2. CUL 143 TIPS Certification
    3. HED 104 CPR/AED for Adult and Infant Certification
    4. HOS 193 Narcan Training
    5. HOS 193 NYS Sexual Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Training
    6. HOS 265 All Seated Certification
    7. HOS 265 All Seated Certification 

Total Credit Hours: 26